Pleasant Valley Glads & Dahlias
PO Box 213 West Suffield, CT 06093
(860) 798-8189 Daytime (860) 668-7868 After 7 PM
Email pleasantvalleyglads@cox.net

Its with a heavy heart that we must inform you that Gary W. Adams passed away this morning, March 20th 2025, the first day of spring. He was 72 years of age.
Gary spent over 60 years growing gladiolas and dahlias. These flowers were his passion and he loved being in his fields.
Gary strongly believed that Gladiolas are not just funeral flowers. He believed they are flowers that are great in bouquets for the house, giving to your neighbor or Church, selling to a nearby florist or selling from vegetable stand.
To find out more about this beautiful flower, you can go to www.gladworld.org and create a growing society anywhere, if there is not one already for you to join. There are still societies in the US and Canada as well as abroad, however they are looking for younger people to join. The society is losing members due to old age. You can become a member of the North American Gladiolus Council by going to our website at: www.gladiola.com or the Gladworld website at www.gladworld.org. Please join and you will receive 4 bulletins for each season and other cultural material. In additional, you’ll find it’s a great place to meet and speak with other growers and make new friends around the world.
Thank You and Good Growing,
The Adams Family - Karen, Gary, Bryan and Thomas
PLEASE NOTE: If you have submitted an order we ask that you please be patient. Orders will likely take several weeks to fulfill as we've been caring for Gary before he passed and we'll now need time to heal & grieve.
For this ordering season however we will only be accepting orders via Check & Money Order. Paypal/Credit Card payments will not be available this year. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Thank you.
Please note: We will not be taking orders over the phone, but only via email or direct mail only. If you have any questions please call or e mail us.
Exclusive for 2024!
2024 Gladiola Introductions

Passionate (Hartline,24) (475)80 days PARENTAGE (Cream Jubilee x Amethyst Beautiful) Heavy ruffled medium to deep lavender rose. Opens 10 florets in formal placement with 29 buds on a 28' flowerhead. Great for show and cutflower. L- 7.00 M- 6.50

Ivory Palace (Hartline 24) (211) 80 days parentage (Cream Jubilee x Unknown) Ruffled heavy substanced light cream wit distinct red lips. Opens 10 in formal placement with25 buds and a 22" flowerhead. Very striking. Very healthy and a winner at the shows , plus a very good cutflower. L-6.00 M- 5.50